Saturday 11 June 2022

News From The Homestead

We were getting close to a critical situation due to lack of rain, but then the skies did open.  So far this week we have have 2.4" of the stuff.  The new eaves troughs work well.  I just completed my fifth cutting of the lawns, and am fresh out of the shower.  The rose bushes are blooming insanely again this year, the 2nd year in a row.

We have had several hundred roses bloom on our two small bushes on the south side of the house.  They are fragrant, and their deep red colour is rather cheery.

Since mid April I have been having issues with my right ear again.  It cleared up with meds for a few weeks, but then returned around May 10th, and is still quite bothersome.  Hearing comes and goes, but mostly goes.  Along with the lack of hearing comes an intense feeling of pressure in that ear, which is very uncomfortable.  Just at this moment I can hear okay, but for much of the day I was totally plugged.  I keep putting off my recitals because of this; I can not safely set a date to play at this point, as it is nearly impossible to hear well enough, especially my right hand passages.

Our stairs were completed this week, a $6000.00 job.  We are still left with a partially dug up driveway, and a crumbling foundation beneath the garage.  So far no one is interested in coming out to fix it, though we had several people come out to take a look.  Deb will order a railing tomorrow, which we will install ourselves later in the week.  Speaking of later in the week, Deb gets her tooth pulled on Thursday.  So far we have paid out around $400 (there is no government insurance for dental work, and private companies charge way too much, and only cover certain things up to certain amounts).  We have between $1300-1700 yet to go.  A very expensive tooth, it could be said.

Two views of the new steps.  Black railing coming soon.

The driveway situation is thus.  The foundation leading in to the garage has collapsed, and needs rebuilding.
Another view of the driveway leading to the garage.  It was supposed to cemented along with the stairs, but the crumbling foundation was discovered once the old surface had been removed. 

In happier news, Ludwig has been outside running around a few times now.  The weather has been mostly glorious.  A major heatwave (the 3rd) is on its way, however.

Ludwig goes walkabout in the south garden. 

I'll be back with film news and a new painting from the DIA, possibly tomorrow.

Mapman Mike

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