Thursday 28 September 2023

The Broken Wrist

No, not my wrist.  Deb's wrist.  And various other assorted bruises and bumps she acquired after taking a tumble on Monday.  We spent Monday at an urgent care clinic, with x-rays, then went home.  That was supposed to be a hill walk day as well as Deb's infusion day.  Neither of those events transpired.  Tuesday she walked with me at Malden Hill, in between icing her various body parts all that day.  On Wednesday she got a call back from the clinic.  Back across the county we went yet again.  The wrist was broken.  Thursday morning we had to be at Met Hospital in Windsor for 5:30 am.  She got a wrist and arm brace, which is essentially a cast that can removed for showering.  Though continuing with plans to attend the film festival in Cincinnati, we called off the New Mexico hiking trip on Wednesday night.  However, we will now go to Cincinnati with our NM gear, and decide on Sunday if we should continue on west, or head home.  Deb's pain level and comfort will be the deciding factor.  She's goes back to the hospital in 6 weeks for a new x-ray.  So the final week of the exercise program sort of fell apart.  We will see how that goes.  We still have a full week before any real mountains are encountered., and we have increasingly strenuous hikes planned as we drive west.  We can always turn around at any point on our journey.  Stay tuned for further updates.  The house is being looked after 24/7, so no worries there.
There are two odd films to report, one of them being perhaps the oddest of them all.  Deb's leaving choice was called Sicilia, an Italian film from 1999.  It takes several actual Sicilian dialogues that were written down in the 1930s and attempts to dramatize them on location.  It seems an incredibly silly idea for a film, and it is.  No doubt it has some value to some cultural anthropologists, but for general viewers it is nothing but 67 minutes of people having conversations (which in Sicily appears to mean shouting at one another at nearly full volume) on the most mundane topics under the sun.  If any incentives were needed to keep me from visiting Sicily, this one would do it.  Much better to read a travel book about the island (which, if written by a local, might be all in block caps).
Leaving Mubi in 2 days. 
Deb's regular choice was a much better film, another by Hal Hartley.  The Girl From Monday is from 2005, and is a near future dystopian visit to an Earth run by corporations (whoever heard of such a thing!).  Aliens are involved in the resistance, but alas, the corporations have all the aces (hundreds of them) up their sleeves, and the protesters are tolerated because it is good for the economy.  Parts of the film bring back memories of David Bowie's alien in The Man Who Fell To Earth, as well as various other films and TV series.  A woman who turns to the resistance is caught doing something wrong and sentenced to two years of hard labour--she must teach high school for that time.  Definitely worth looking out for.

Now showing on Criterion. 
Normally, Deb would have her film festival choices this weekend.  But as we are attending Cindependent Film Festival in Cincinnati instead, I will be back with my own festival choices in late October.  Deb's film A Fable For Four Voices will be shown Saturday afternoon.
Mapman Mike


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