Saturday 1 December 2018

All Things Great, Small, And In Between

We awoke Thursday morning pretty certain that the Vienna trip would be called off.  Mogollon, one of our two cats, has glaucoma in his right eye.  He gets drops in it twice a day.  Things have been perfect for over three months now.  Sometimes he gets what I call migraines, where his eyes close, he wants to be left alone, and he stays in the dark.  He stops eating, drinking, playing, and everything else he normally does.  These usually last 4-6 hours, and then he is okay again.  But Wednesday's migraine stayed all day and all night.  So Thursday morning we headed out to the vet with him.  We had been warned before that his eye will eventually have to come out.  We were thinking that today was the day, or Friday, or Monday.  Which meant no Vienna.  The usual Doc was away, so we saw his partner.  Now both eyes are bad, though the bad one is way worse.  The pressure is at a dangerous level.  Drops in both eyes.  Lots of drops.  Ever try to give eye drops to a healthy cat?  How about a sick one?  3X a day.  Uggh.

Anyway, we have a ten-day reprieve before we return to see the vet again.  Theresa, our pet sitter, comes to the house.  She is a vet tech who works in a Windsor vet clinic.  But she only comes twice a day (expensive enough).  Hopefully she will get the drops in at those times, but Mogi can get rather wiggly at the critical drop-in-the-eye stage.  Deb and I together can barely get the job done.  So we are going to Vienna.  Even tomorrow's weather will cooperate, as we get the one warm day of the entire week.  Monday turns cold again, and will remain cold the entire week.  Hopefully there will be no major snow event, and the old boiler will keep on boiling.  Vienna looks to be mild next week, after they just had a week of bitter cold temps.  Their latitude is 48 N., 6 degrees further than Windsor, and 2 more than Sudbury.  So we are expecting some dark times, with rain.

Our arrival day is Monday, and the first of two visits to the Bruegel exhibit is Tuesday.  Wed. is open, and Thursday its back to see the show again.  Friday and Saturday are open, and we fly home Sunday, getting back to A'burg before midnight, weather permitting.  We are not planning anything on the open days yet, until we see what the weather brings.  We have a self-guided walk tour ready to go, and we would also love to get back up to Grinzing, at the foot of the Vienna Woods.

Just after getting back from the vet on Thursday, Randy G. dropped by.  He had just come from a family funeral in A'burg.  We hadn't seen him for two weeks, since Anita's funeral.  He has had a lot on his plate since then, including the death of a nephew, as well as an elderly lady he was looking out for, 75 km away.  He also had attended her funeral on the Wednesday, and had been arranging her funeral and burial.  There were complications.  As I said, he has had a lot on his plate.  Three funerals in two weeks.  Needless to say, he has not even had time to deal with his wife's passing.  His life should simplify in a week or two, once some of the legalities have been put to rest, mostly regarding the elderly woman's estate.  Now here's the kicker.  If anything should happen to us next week, he is our will executor.

Today is laundry day, cleaning, and packing, as well as running around town for last minute things, such as fresh greens to leave for Ludwig the tortoise.  On top of that, we have a concert in suburban Detroit this evening.  I knew when I bought the tickets that it was the night before our departure.  What I didn't know was that there would be heavy rain and storms arriving for our evening drive.  Detroit freeway driving at the best of times is a white-knuckle affair; during a heavy downpour it is something not to experience.  It is going to be a fabulous concert, I keep telling myself.....

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