Sunday 6 January 2019

Hello 2019

The year got off to a pretty nifty start!  For one thing, we have had mild weather for some time now, which is always welcome in January.  Even better, there were 3 clear nights in a row, right at new moon.  That is the first time in my life that such an event has occurred.  I am still left almost speechless.  I managed nearly 10 hours of observing with the 12" scope over Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, enjoying unrivalled views of the Milky Way.  Combined with a total of nearly 5 hours driving, and about 90 minutes of set up and take down, I have been rather busy lately.  In an effort to maintain our walking program, I have had to cut back on piano practice, and several other things.  

We finally managed to get the holiday decorations taken down today and put away, and I even got the laundry done.  For the past two days I have also been writing this month's article for our astronomy club's newsletter.  Tomorrow's goal is to get some food in the house, for humans and cats.  We are still picking dandelions off the grass for the tortoise, a far cry from this time last year.  Sudbury has been getting no weather breaks, with solid snow on the ground since October.  Our turn is coming, but the longer it is delayed the happier I am.  Soon our daylight will be increasing, even though the depths of winter have yet to arrive.  January 10th through 31st is our coldest period, statistically.

The three nights in a row of observing also really tired me out.  I have to drive out to the observatory (45 minutes one way) in an unheated car, so that the telescope mirror stays at outside temperature I can use heat coming home, thankfully).  That is followed by over four hours of being outside each night.  While it has not been cold by our winter standards, it ain't exactly summer out there, either.  Two of the nights were windy, but Friday night was one of the most perfect nights for observing I have ever had!  It was all worth it, but I now have pages and pages of notes to write up in my logbook, along with sketches to transpose.

And so I find myself with only one day remaining in my extended vacation from teaching.  I must be prepared on Tuesday and Wednesday to hit the ground running, and get students fired up about their piano lessons and their practicing.  They have had too many breaks this year, with my three weeks of travel and then two weeks off for Christmas.  It's been difficult enough for me to keep up my practice.  More on my progress there later.

Happy New Year!

Mapman Mike

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