Friday 23 August 2019

Clear Nights Ahead

Two of them predicted, in a row.  That is big news.  And it is cool, so the mosquitoes may not be a problem.  However, the late summer and autumn moon rise timings are the pits.  I will only have about 2.5 hours of darkness tonight before the big white beast rises in the east, and about 3 hours tomorrow night.  Still, I am getting excited!

My movie choice this week was called Our Man In Havanna, a Carol Reed film starring Alec Guinness.  A vacuum cleaner salesman in Cuba is recruited as a British spy, in a very funny film that features great performances from Ernie Kovacs and Maureen O'Hara, along with Burl Ives, Noel Coward, and Ralph Richardson.  From a novel by Graham Greene, the movie was filmed in Cuba.  We have seen the picture a very long time ago, but it still seems fresh and mostly funny.  A nice take on spy movies, from 1959.  This weekend is film festival weekend.  Three films have been chosen, but we'll see how many will get watched on an astronomy weekend.
 My movie pick for this week, from Criterion.

Deb's movie choice was Barbara Stanwyck's breakout film, directed by Frank Capra.  Ladies of Leisure is from 1930, with Ms Stanwyck playing the part of a party girl.  She is rescued very late one night by an artist, and he immediately wants to paint her.  She soon falls in love with him, but he is rich and out of her league.  Perhaps.  Ms Stanwyck gives a tour de force performance, bringing out the complexity of her character.  Of course the film is melodrama, but her performance never stoops to anything less than great stage acting.  This was Capra's 5th sound film, and the restored print was a marvel to behold.  The film is nearly 90 years old, but is now in better condition than when it first ran in theatres. 
 Deb's movie pick this week.  Love that fine print build up!!

In other news, Mogi the cat,who has been with us since September of 2007, has been limping rather badly, having problems with his back right foot.  He seems to have sprained it, as it gets better for a time, then he goes and does something and injures it again.  We are watching him, but he seems comfortable, still eats like a full grown horse, and is very social.

Deb had her infusion on Tuesday, and I had my teeth cleaned.  Thursday I had a follow up with my M.D. regarding my iritis flareup a few weeks ago.  Today, ADT is sending a techie over to reinstall the alarm on our front door, which had to be removed when we had it replaced.  The new door is amazing, and we notice how much quieter it is in the house now, too.  In the summer less cold air will escape, and in the winter less heat will escape.  Though the door will never pay for itself in our lifetime, it will make us more comfortable.

Mapman Mike

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