Saturday 18 April 2020

April Showers?

It's been a cold week here at the Homestead, with measurable snow on two of the days.  Friday it snowed all day, landing us with about 3" of heavy snow, which turned into 0.7" of water in the rain gauge.  It was a day of misery, but we had a lovely wood fire Thursday night, and a smaller prepared log fire on Friday.  Amazing how cheerful a fire can make a home.  Anyway, I went outside and took some photos.  now you get to see them.  First the mid day radar on Friday....

 Yes, it did snow.  All day Friday.

Our daffodils are still depressed today, even though it is sunny and the snow has melted.

The violets growing amidst the grass were non too impressed.

Our forsythia bush got a little droopy.  It had been so much happier before the snow.

Forsythia close up.

It begins to accumulate. 

End of the weather report--now on to a film report.

Any Sam Fuller film is worth a look.  Viewers can always expect the unexpected.  This one from 1959 tackles racism against the Japanese in America, but in a way one wouldn't expect.  James Shigeta and Glenn Corbett play LA detectives trying to solve a murder.  They fought in Korea together, and are like blood brothers.  Until a pretty woman comes between them.  Shigeta is so paranoid and expectant of being treated in a racist manner that he mistakes his buddy's facial expression when he tells him that he, too, loves the girl and wants to marry her.  The film deals with the fact that the Japanese population in LA is faced with so much racism that it can even appear in a best friend.  However, the Japanese detective's mistake costs him his best friend, even though he does get the girl.  His awakening to how he acted comes at the very end.  Even so, we have to sympathize with him.  A great look at Little Tokyo in LA, and many traditional Japanese cultural pursuits.  Definitely worth a watch.  Victoria Shaw plays the love interest, an artist who reacts to Shigeta's sensitivity and depth.  Hopefully they live happily ever after, but he is a moody type of guy, so watch out.

It's supposed to be clear tonight, and the scope is loaded in the vehicle and ready to go.  There are two problems, however.  It's cloudy, and it's windy.  Either one of those conditions can scupper my observing night, the first chance I've had.  The session is currently 8 days old, so there isn't much time left.  Wherever in Essex County one observes, there are dozens of jet trails from Detroit airport dirtying the air and blocking transparency.  Now that there are hardly any jets, I am yearning to see how much difference it makes without their pollution.  I may never know.

Mapman Mike

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