Thursday 6 June 2019

Update on Deb, and Other News Fit to Print

Things are looking up for Deb!  Her bandages are off, and she is able to shower.  The pain is lessening, too.  She's not quite ready to play hockey, but she is improving.

Yesterday we bought some doors for our main front entrance.  They will be completely weatherproof, and we will no longer be bothered there by a polar vortex.  Doors, installed, of a high quality, are very, very expensive.  $5,000.00 expensive, for one main door and one storm door, with screen/glass.  Also adding to our June expenses is a fallen tree, which is being removed later today, to the tune of $800.00.  And then, at the end of the month the basement floor tiles come out, to the tune of $4600.00.  Where is this money coming from?  The travel fund, of course.  That's about a year's worth of travelling for us, and it was time to take a year off.  When travel resumes, it will likely be to San Diego for a few days.  NYC is also near the top of the wish list.

My Criterion Channel movie choice for this week was Fellini's "8 1/2."  There is not much I can say about this film that hasn't been said a thousand times already.  It is one of the greatest films ever made, and nothing in cinema illustrates better the immense difficulty artists face in creating something memorable and vital, especially once they are expected to do so by an adoring public.  Whatever wavelength Fellini was on, I know I am virtually on the same one.  Sitting down to watch one of his movies is like getting into a pair of comfortable slippers and pajamas.  Somewhat strange looking pajamas.  Wherever Fellini takes you, it is going to be an amazing and worthwhile trip.  Though I have seen the film several times, it had been a while, and, like rereading the best books, it's always fun to discover things you never saw before, or have totally forgotten about until suddenly rediscovered.

We have had many unusual visitors to the bird feeding station this year.  Some of them have actually been birds, including a very large wild turkey.  Of course there are the ducks, too.  But we have also had rabbits, deer, the local ground hog, and even Rocky Raccoon has recently paid us a visit.

Mapman Mike

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